Wessex Slate and Tile - Slate Roof

Wessex Slate & Tile

Roofing Services Ltd

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Wessex Slate and Tile Office

Roofing Contractors


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Wessex Slate and Tile - Westland Grey Green Slate

Traditional Roofing


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Roofing Specialists in Cornwall

Wessex Slate and Tile Roofing Services Ltd are specialists in traditional roofing skills including pitched and vertical slating and tiling, leadwork, cedar shingles. As one of the largest roofing companies in Cornwall we have over fifty years experience in the construction industry and are able to provide a high quality roofing service in both commercial and residential roofing environments.

We have established strong partnerships with all of the leading roofing materials suppliers and work with the highest quality materials. We have an experienced Cedral and timber cladding installation team and an experienced Roofing Merchants Team stocking all top quality roofing brands.

Material Suppliers

We stock and supply a wide range of quality roofing materials with all of the major roofing manufacturers and slate suppliers, and as an experienced roofing contractor we are in a position to provide the best advice to our customers on their specific materials needs.

Get in touch with our friendly team for a quote

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Wessex Slate and Tile Roofing Services Ltd.